Monday, October 30, 2006

Sophie's First Halloween

We took Sophie to her first Halloween party (in our new car...a "Highway Yellow" 5 door Chevrolet Aveo to follow). She won for best costume (check the picture)! Michelle is very talented when it comes to making costumes.

Life is good with Sophie sleeping in her own room (7-9 hours at night), Michael taking Ju-Jitsu, and Michelle continuing to meet with her New Mums Group.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Three Months Old

Sophie celebrated her 3 month birthday by moving out...of our room. She now has a regular crib and a nursery of her own, although it's not quite finished (it still needs to be decorated in a "funky fairy-princess" theme). The first night she slept in her room, I burst into tears at the sight of her empty cradle. Michael had to move it into the living room. And I woke up every 1 1/2 hours. Now everyone is sleeping better except me. I keep waking up because I think I won't hear her, even with the baby monitor. Ah, growing pains! Sophie's had some more "firsts" in the last couple weeks: first holiday (Thanksgiving) where Michael fed Michelle her turkey while she fed Sophie, first wedding (Curry and Faye's) where Michael ate after everyone else, so Michelle could gobble down her food before feeding Sophie, first time rolling over (from front to back), first laugh when Michelle sneezed, and she did yell "ga" at us, but hasn't done any other consonant-vowel combinations since. The adventure never stops!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Silly Parents!

We have discovered that our grand plan of sharing a room with Sophie was optimistic at best! I shuffle and the bed squeaks, which wakes Sophie up, and Sophie snores and snuffles, which wakes us up. So we're changing the apartment around (again) to make a nursery in the now-defunct games room. I'm actually excited about decorating. We're going with a funky fairy-princess theme. I'm not so excited about the fact that we need a new car. Klaus the VW valiantly tried to be a family vehicle for the past 2 1/2 months, but the stroller doesn't fit, I don't fit in the back when Michael drives, and Michael has to sit surrounded by groceries when we go shopping. Take heed, future parents! Babies are tiny people but they need big elbow room. Our tiny person laughed on Monday and has weeble-wobbled onto her side and back. Also, she's not so tiny...13 lbs!